Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mouse In The House!!

Who woulda thought with two dachshunds in the house that a mouse would survive more than a nano-second? Schatzi would have been all over it...

Last evening we were sitting in the family room...all snuggled in & quiet...when we heard a scraping sound coming from the corner! Just as Dad got up to investigate...what came running out...but a mouse!

We can't print what Mama screamed...but what did dogs of prey, do? Absolutely nothing! We didn't even see it...or care for that matter!

Try as Dad might to trap Mr. Mouse...he scooted in behind the pellet stove...not to be seen again. Tonight the traps are set...hopefully he likes cheese & peanut butter.

Not to worry...we will be secured in our crates..and if Mr. Mousey wants to come in for a snuggle..that is just fine with us! But don't tell Mama...cause she wants him evicted...ASAP!


Unknown said...

OMD send me over I'd get him no problem. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

We think maybe it's your pet
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

So funny ( from the distance). I had to laugh:)))
Happy hunting,
with your none hunting dogs;)
"Waidmannsheil" = a German Word to wish the Hunter luck.