Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Need Get Well Rays

During an emergency visit to the vet clinic this afternoon Schatzi underwent a thorough examination, urinealysis & ultrasound, where tests concluded yet another urinary tract infection, as well as inflammation in the lining of her bladder.

Schatzi is now home resting comfortably, with a round of antibiotics & pain medication. Our vet has also prescribed a diet of Royal Canin Urinary SO. (a food prescribed for dogs with or at risk of developing UTI).


  1. Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

    I'm sending those healing rays your way. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Our cat Brutis who is 16 has been eating Royal Canin SO Feline for about 10 years. He was very close to death. His whole bladder & UT were full of crystals. He had an operation then started on the diet and has been fine since. He's just old & crotchedy now. BTW his kibble tastes good.
    Take care, I will be thinking of you.

    Love Ruby

  2. Schatzi, get well quick! We're sending lots of warm doxie wishes and good thoughts your way.

    Joey and Maggie

  3. Schatzi, we hope you are feeling
    better. We were sorry to hear that you sick.

    We will have all of our paws crossed for a quick recovery for you!
    Addie and Zoe

  4. Our paws are crossed for you, Schatzi! We hope those meds and lots of rest make you feel better soon!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Hi, Schatzi!
    I hope you are much better now!
    Paws crossed for you
    Kisses and hugs
