Sunday, February 1, 2009

This About Sums it Up!

Nothing new to report! It's winter - there is snow! Not much to do; the kritters go out - do their thing - come back in - and flop in front of the fire! That about sums up their existance, these days! They hate the cold-cringe & cry if you even think of taking them out for a walk-too much salt on the ground-it hurts their paws! And no self-respecting dachshund would be caught dead wearing booties! (or so they tell me).

I bet Xena is dreaming about warm, sunny days spent chillaxing on the deck! And to add insult to injury - an ice-storm is predicted for the beginning of the week!

So, how many days til spring?


  1. Brr ... it is 76F here and the front door is open. Wish you were here!

    Roxie, Sammy & Andy

  2. Hello. I just found your blog through The Long and Short of It All. Your dogs are so unique and beautiful!
