Ok, so Mama gets notification it's time for Oskar's annual poke & prod! So, today, Xena & I were taken to the house of horrors for a whole lotta torturin' and stuff!!
Oh & to add further insult to injury, Xena was forced to endure a nasty butticure & brazilian bikini wax!! Can you say humilitaing??
And I got some smelly spray for my pitts.....seems my 'fection is back! Oh & some Prednizone to try for while to see if we can't get my problem cleared up!
Here we thought we've have a leisurely afternoon snoozing in the sun......when BAM....strapped into the Wienermobile...and off to the dungeon of doom!!
Schatzi.....Mama's prissy girl.....got to stay home....cause she's......perfect!!!