It's been a busy fall, friends. We are staying healthy & happy...and last weekend we had the bestest time ever! The huparents went away for 4 whole days!!! ...and without us!! Now, normally that would strike fear into our dachshund hearts...but we had our husister & Nathan, her huboyfriend come & stay with us!!
It was awesome...we got to sleep in our own beds...our meals on schedule & more importantly....on time! We had oodles of snuggles & lazy evenings by the fire. We know Mama & Dad missed our 5 hour whine-fest during the drive & the need for potty breaks every hour...but we assured them their trip would be ok & they had our four paws up to leave us at home!
In other news...we are happy beyond kibble to know our Nani is coming to our house for Christmas..('s not that far away....we got our lists done up already!!).
Ok, so on to some really exciting stuff...we "helped" Mama with her errands yesterday...first things first...get buckled in...
See that red postal thingey?? Mama dropped a parcel in there...good thing she had us on hand to tell her how to do it properly...
Ok, so hang onto your peeners....(if'n ya have a peener)....cause made an inaugural trip to...drumroll please....
I'm instructing Schatzi to be on her bestest don't pee on the floor or nothin' like that...
OOOMMMGGGG....our eyes got blurrie from seein' all the delicious eats!!! (we assure you it was our eyes that got blurry...not cause we were pulling Mama in seventy different directions....)
Not only did we get our can food...but are you ready for it...NEW TOYS!!! (again our eyes got blurry...not cause we were so excited or nuthin')...
I luv my new Woodstock squeaky...
And Schatzi is happy to shake her Scarecrow squeaky...
As we were leaving Petsmart, the nicest lady came over to comment on us (how cute we are, of course) and inquire about our harnesses & car seats. She is owned by a small dog & is planning a trip to New Hampshire...( where Osk came from...but no...we are not sending him back). Mama told her where to purchase Vest Harnesses here & how the lady can buckle her dog in safely...until she can purchase a car seat.
Oh, and Mama brought home from her trip important magnet for our vehicle....people gotta know we rule!!
So, dear friends...that is what we've been up to. Oskar is finally fully recovered from his surgery, but it took a really long time for him to be back to himself. Mama & Dad were very worried...but now he loves to go for walks in the evening...and sometimes we go in the car first & find a new place to explore!! He is having a minor tummy woe today...nothing major...he has these episodes every now & then.
Sadly, Schatzi's eyesight is deteriorating...but her nose more than makes up for any sight loss!
We are sorry we don't post as much on our blog, it is still very dear & important to us...but now we are "senior", we are not as active as we used to be (ok...that sounds like we are totally boring...).
We luv y'all....