Was it you guys?? We know…you wants to hear all about us…but seriously peeps…we've had the weather from hezz the last week….after the 53 cm of snow!! Hours & hours of freezing rain (27 hours the smug weather guy says)…some unfortunate people & their critters have been without power for 4 days…lots of electrical lines are down. Thankfully, we didn't lose our power (which is why our Mama & Dad had the foresight to install a propane stove that runs without electricity….at least we would have heat if the power goes off).
Oskar's beloved pellet stove…needs electricity to run…so he is very thankful to the winds & ice storm gods for not causing our power to fail.
And….it's snowing again now. Do ya'll know how much fun it is to pee in a blizzard? Not much we can tell you.
Our typical day consists of:
-Waking up at 6:00 AM sharp…
-Out for potty break…asap
-Come inside & breakfast bowls are magically full of kibble
-Have a slurp or two of fresh water
-Oskar…decide which of the two dog beds in the family room to have first nap of the day
-Schatzi-on sofa with Mama..and bums must touch at all times
11:30 AM
-Time for potty break
-Very small mid day snack
-Oskar…chose alternate bed for afternoon nap…bury oneself in blankies
-Schatzi takes other bed…since Mama is unavailable to be of service
4:00 PM
-Yep…you guessed it…supper time
-Out for potty break
-Wait patiently for Dad to come home from work
-Make several trips to back gate…yay….Dad's home!!
-Ok…false alarm…no Dad yet
5:00-5:30 PM
-Yelp, bark & wag tails profusely..Dad is home (oh & find a toy that needs a good squeak…that's alway effective)
-Bum for tidbits at human suppertime, get underfoot during meal prep & kitchen clean up
-Schatzi proceeds with daily chore of licking kitchen floor tile
-Oskar whines for Dad to sit in big, comfy chair with him..immediately
8:00-8:30 PM
-Snack time!!
-Out for last potty break
Then whenever….bedtime!
-Oskar goes into crate…on Dad's side of bed on the floor
-Schatzi curls up in her snuggle sack in her bed on Mama's side of bed
And we get to get up at 6:00 AM & do it all again!! Seriously folks…y'all don't want or need to see pics of two senior doxies…sleeping….all the time.
We can hardly wait to spend sun filled days outside…with all this snow….that feels like a lifetime away!
So, how does everyone else, who live in a snow belt cope with the winter blahs?