Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015

One of the medications prescribed for Osk's IBS has been Pro Gut paste form. It contains live "good" bacteria and other "stuff" that help flush out "bad" bacteria & toxins while restoring gut integrity & function. And the best part? It begins to work....within hours! And we are seeing positive results within the past couple of days. Oskar is eating his prescribed kibble...although...he appears to like Liesel's puppy kibble better.
I toss a few of hers in...just to appease him. Today...we celebrate! A normal poop! Yep...very, very happy! Almost took a picture...but then figured that's kinda gross to most people...but to us... it is almost art! And all vomiting has ceased...we're kinda scared to "crow" just yet!
Tomorrow he starts Prednisone...hopefully this is only a temporary situation, although Xena was on Prednisone for a while & it helped her greatly! We hope to have success again!
This is Liesel after yesterday's obedience class....wore right out...thinking is hard work!! Oskar is just there for moral support...
Next graduation!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Oskar & Our Nani....Under the Weather....
With all the snow & cold going on..Oskar has not been feeling well...more bad IBS flare-ups...

It appears his medications are not working. Mama has advised Dr. Condon & they are going to discuss the next plan of action. Due to the storms, the clinic had been closed & surgeries, appointments backed up. Dr. Condon had mentioned Prednisone...but Osk would have to discontinue Metacam...which helps with his arthritis. But it may be our only option. As always, the humans are really worried...
Our Nani has been in the hospital with pneumonia the last little we have been super concerned about her...can our doggy bloggy friends keep her in your thoughts & pawyers...she is very special to us. She is getting wonderful care in the hospital..unfortunately she is five hours (by car) from we can't see her often. Hopefully, when spring arrives we can get together then!

We are keeping our paws crossed that Osk & his Nani feel better soon!
There's No Business Like Snow Business...
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Confederation Bridge Still Closed

Prince Edward Islanders are being asked to stay home if they can on Tuesday after a blizzard dumped a record 86.8 centimetres of snow at Charlottetown Airport on Sunday and Monday.
Confederation Bridge has been closed since 4:50 p.m. Sunday, and schools and government offices have also been shut down Tuesday in an effort to keep the roads clear so the snow can be moved. Charlottetown Airport, which was closed entirely for a time Monday because of the snow load on the roof, is reporting all flights are on time Tuesday.
Maritime Electric reports 260 customers still don't have power. Repair crews were kept off the roads most of Monday due to blizzard conditions.
Many roads and side streets are still closed, and those that are open are snow covered and slippery.
Another storm coming!!
Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement regarding another storm expected on Thursday, and is forecasting 10 to 15 centimetres of snow. Periods of snow are also forecast for Sunday.
"This one on Thursday is passing close enough that it will have an effect on P.E.I. and Nova Scotia, not so much on New Brunswick, just some flurries for New Brunswick," said CBC meteorologist Peter Coade.
"It looks like it could be a 10- to 15-centimetre snowfall. That will clear out Thursday night so that it's sunny on Friday and sunny on Saturday and then another one on Sunday."
The snow comes on top of what has been a stormy few weeks.
On Jan. 26, Environment Canada recorded no snow on the ground at Charlottetown Airport. Since that time 258.6 centimetres of snow has fallen and there has been very little melting, with just two days where the temperature has crept above freezing.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Finally.....The Wind Has Died Down....
Snow Maggedon!
Snowed In!!
We have so much snow...our Dad had to push & push to get out our back door!! And our SUV is buried...we have
66 cm so far...(that's like 26" of the white stuff..)
It's a blizzard out there!!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Road Trip for Wood Pellets...
With all the cold weather we're having...there is a wood pellet shortage most hardware stores...even Wal Mart...have sold out!
So, Mama... being all wise & stuff...called a hardware store about 20 miles from us..and they had 595 bags in stock! Woowzerss...we can't haul that many...but it being a sunny (but freezing) day...we got to go on a road trip!!
Now, where we're going is a paw some spot to visit in the summer...but in the winter? Let's just say it's not a winter destination..and leave it at's about a 20 minute drive from us...
On the way, we saw a couple of cool fishing a while yet before they are in the water...
And here we are at North Rustico Home Hardware...we were lucky to get out & have a quick pee in a snow drift...before getting back into a warm car...
Dad went inside & bought many bags of pellets & we pulled up to this big door...
Liesel supervised the loading..making sure they were doing it right..(she's such a help that way)..
And on the way home...we saw this "smelt shack"...can you believe there is someone in through a hole in the ice? Pretty cool, eh? Too cold for us out there...although we do love us a piece of fish..
( bones please)..
And Oskar near suffered a whip lash when Dad asked if he wanted a "treat from Timmies"..
Yes please, that will be one medium double double, a medium french vanilla & a plain tim bit..
Pull right up here to pay....Dad, get out your wallet..
And the holy plain tim be shared...and devoured..
A few bags of pellets...Dad says we know have enough to keep us til the end of February...but he will buy more when they become available closer to home.
So, now we are going to enjoy the heat from the wood stove...time for our afternoon snooze..
Friday, February 6, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Surgery Went Well...
Liesel is out of surgery & resting comfortably in ICU. It will be a few hours before we can bring her home..unless the weather turns nasty...and they will release her early. But it likely will be late this afternoon before we can pick her up.
She is snoozing away...
It's A Go!!

Liesel is going in for her spay today...we are leaving shortly! Plan to take some kibble along, in the event we are unable to pick her up later this afternoon (yes...we are getting hit with another 15-20 cm of snow!).
And since our daughter lives not far from the clinic..she has offered to pick Liesel up & take her home with them. But we are keeping our paws crossed that we won't have any travel or visibility issues (blowing snow) & we can get her home with us.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Okay...Who Wants Some of the White Stuff?? takers?? This is the "tunnel" to the front door....
Dad finished the bestest area for our potty spot...he shovelled to the right...and there is a large area with not much snow...cause the wind drifted it elsewhere...(he was taking a break when Mama took this pic)...
Lots of snow to swim in next summer...
We're pretty much buried...we got about 63 cm of snow with this storm...
And...another one forecast for tomorrow!!
We are hoping this one doesn't pack such a whallop...will wait & see what the weather is doing in the morning. If it's raining (like it's supposed to first)...then Liesel will be having her surgery tomorrow. Keep your paws crossed for us!!
Oh..and in the meantime....we be very you can see...
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
It's a Blizzard Out There!!!

"CBC meteorologist Peter Coade says 57 centimetres of snow has fallen at Charlottetown Airport. The snow is continuing to fall, and as it tapers off winds are increasing. Provincial snow plows were pulled off the roads. While the snow is not coming down as heavily as it was it is expected to continue to mid-morning and high winds will continue to create problems with visibility.
"What we still have in effect for the Island is a blizzard warning, not for further snowfall though there will be a little more of it, say maybe could see another five to 10 centimetres before it moves out, but it's pretty much coming to an end," said Coade.
"But the wind is going to be staying strong, and as long as you have the wind staying strong and cold temperatures, snow on the ground and blowing it around, that qualifies for the blizzard warning."
RCMP are asking people to stay off the roads. All roads are snow covered with poor visibility. Flights in and out of Charlottetown Airport have been cancelled, and restrictions on high-sided vehicles are in place on Confederation Bridge."
Liesel's spay surgery is re-scheduled for Thursday (although they are forecasting another "system" Wednesday into Thursday)....and our vet is away next week. Winter can't go on forever...can it? And it's bitter cold...windchill is currently -27 degrees!
We still have power, (the lights flickered when Osk was up for a 3:00 a.m. pee)...some readers have asked how we do our "business" during storms & blizzards.
One word...."quickly". We get bundled up in sweaters (Mama cut fleece for scarves to wrap around our heads)...and Dad has a "knack" (being an engineer & all) for finding us a "crumb hole"...where there is little snow & a sheltered area. If the winds are not blowing too bad, Dad can shovel a spot quickly...but days like today...any "crumb hole in the storm will do".
We are cuddly warm with a well stocked fridge & pantry..and if the power does go out, we have a propane fireplace/stove downstairs that throws lots of heat (and requires no electricity).
After all, winter can't last forever....can it?
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Pretty.....But Treacherous...
Mama tip-toed outside yesterday to take a few pics of the miserable weather we've been subjected to this weekend...
Freezing hard on trees...not to mention power lines...(thank dawg no power outage for us).
Obedience class was cancelled...roads were too icy..
And...a major snow storm forecast for Monday night...into Tuesday...upwards of 30 cm expected..which may interfere with Liesel's spay appointment on Tuesday. We will have to wait & see...
We flipped the page on our doxie calendar..we are officially into February. It's waaay to early to be thinking about spring...
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