We are back from the hunt - and with good news - we found Mr. P.J Funnybunny! (aka as the "Easter bunny"!)
We heard rumours that he was hiding out at our Nani & Grampies - so we sped off to their den in the wee early morning hours - riding first class in the

It was really foggy as we pulled up to the bridge toll booth!

Hi, Mr. Damien!! Have you seen the Easter Bunny?? What? He has been there and left some eggs?? Well we are definately on the right trail!!

Here we are crossing the long bridge!

Finally, after a bajillion hours-we arrived & scoped the perimeter - checking to the west!

Then a quick hike to Billy Weston Brook!

Oskar has picked up the trail!!!! Word on the ground is that PJ Funnybunny is headed to Cousin Wiggles house!

Hey, Cousin Wiggles - have you seen the Easter Bunny??
Apparently the cat caught his tongue - cause he isn't talking!!

Excuse us, Mrs. Husky - have you seen the Easter Bunny? No?
Oh - thank you - we will check with Mr. Frog!!

Pardon us, Mr. Frog - but have you seen the Easter Bunny?
Ribbitt? No - rabbit! Oh.....never mind!

Suddenly, we hear thump, thump, thump - and off to the living room we race...and look who we found!!!

Thanks Easter Bunny, we will be seeing you again next year!!