Monday, August 26, 2013

The Importance of a Pet First Aid Kit

Having the proper items to care for Oskar's surgery incision made me thankful I took a pet first aid course &  prompted me to purchase a pet first aid kit.

I purchased our kit at Wal Mart, but you could do your own in a basket or any container.  We also added a tube of antibiotic cream (Polysporin).  An important reminder........ replenish the kit, as required.

Now, all that being said....ask me if we have a "human| first aid kit?  Guess we know who are higher on the food chain in our house!   :)


Lovable Lily said...

We didn't know that Walmart had one of those. Brilliant idea!

We made up our own and keep it in a backpack with all our medical records. We are good Doxie Scouts ~ ALWAYS prepared!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Two French Bulldogs said...

True! Very important
Benny & Lily