First Dad stopped to get the mail...we prefer our correspondence in the form of pee mails...but to each his own..
Here we are, all cute & stuff...waiting patiently...
Dad went into M & M shop to pick up some chicken-kabobby-thingeys...
We went to a bunch of other non-interesting places...but then...we drove in here...
This day just kept getting better & better...Dad's taking us to the back of the we can watch the fishes swimming about...
Oskar needed a couple of packages of he can take his medications...
And Liesel got to pick a new toy...decisions...decisions...(she picked the elephant on the far left)
Mama thought this was pretty cute...(but didn't buy it..thank dawg)
Turns out rainy days aren't so bad after all!
An any weather road trip is fun
Lily & Edward
A good day that just gets BETTER is a Super Day...
We pawfer PEEmail, also... BUTT BOXES are the BEST...
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